Nerd Nite A2 - Feb Poster



This time around, we’re honoring Valentine’s Day/Singles Awareness Day by providing you with some nerd talk on love, passion, and fire! We hope to see you and your friends on Thursday, February 21!

When: Thursday, February 21
Where: The Last Word 301 W. Huron, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
When: Doors at 6:30 Event at 7
Stuff: T-Shirts $15 , Buttons for a recommended donation

Buy your tickets early or RSVP on Facebook!





Here’s a peek at what we’ve got lined up for February:

Kill It with Fire: Building Giant Art for Fun And Absolutely No Profit, Jane Davis

Nerd Nite Ann Arbor - Jane Davis Fire Art Presentation

Photo by Tristan Savatier

Jane Davis, a member of Flaming Lotus, will share how to make kinetic, mechanical fire art. Flaming Lotus work stands at the intersection of sculpture, kinetics, robotics, pyrotechnics, and electronic technology. They create interactive large-scale fire installations, incorporating innovative designs in welded metal, interactive fire effects and responsive electronics, that engage viewers and invite them to become part of the art. Sculptures are made of steel, stainless steel, copper, aluminum, glass and wood – and sizes range from small to the very large, with fire blazing from 2“ to 150’.

Jane Davis has been making big stupid things since 2009, when she wandered into a metal shop in San Francisco and refused to leave. At the moment she lives in Ann Arbor, where she makes little stupid things and is getting her master’s degree in information science. Her favorite tool is an impact driver, but only because no one will let her near a boom lift. She knows four chords on the ukulele and thinks you look very nice today.


Coitus and Curry: Divine Sexy Times with Lord Krishna, Becky Bloom

Nerd Nite Ann Arbor - Becky Bloom

Lord Krishna, perhaps India’s most beloved god, is best known for his boyish (if bluish) good looks, sexy flute-playing, and springtime canoodling with all the milkmaids in town. The divine activities of Krishna are more than erotic myth, however, as they represent the intimate relationship possible between god and devotee. In her presentation, Becky Bloom will explore the romantic complexities of divine love and devotion as expressed through the art and poetry of India.

Becky Bloom is a PhD student in the department of Asian Languages and Cultures, specializing in Tibetan Buddhism and Himalayan Art. Before coming to Michigan, Becky worked for the Rubin Museum of Art in New York, which highlights the art of Tibet, India, the Himalayas, and beyond.


Cupid Wasn’t Aiming For Your Heart: The Neuroscience of Love, Dr. Tiffany Love

Nerd Nite A2 - Feb_CupidWhat is love?  This question tops Google’s most searched list and has been pondered throughout history by poets, scholars and, of course, 90’s pop artists.  Where does love come from?  What brings on those butterflies in your stomach when your beloved is near?   Scientists are closer to understanding that thing called love and in her talk, Tiffany Love will present some of the recent research that reveals the host of brain chemicals that are tweaked following a bite from the love bug.

Dr. Tiffany Love is a faculty member in the Substance Abuse Section within the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan. She received her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Michigan and her BS in Biology and Psychology from the University of New Mexico.


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